A look back at my work for LPG Endermologie
My work for LPG was done at the Cube Creative company with a team of several 3d freelancers.
My work for LPG was done at the Cube Creative company with a team of several 3d freelancers.
Some default WordPress galleries have been replaced by new galleries using the WordPress plugin “NextGen”. Check out the Next Gen Gallery webpage.
After a few weeks of work, I have the pleasure of formalizing the launch of the new version of my website!! The objectives of this new version are: Focus more on images than texts. Set […]
I just updated my other site: DavidSaber.Com. These days I focus more on DreamCraft. But although I don’t use this website anymore, I like to keep it up and running. The old PHPThumb scripts […]
The first gallery has been created. All galleries will be visible on this page. The first gallery that was added to our website is the 3d Modelling and Shading one. It was uploaded some days […]
Previous website content and medias are being migrated from our old websites to Dream Craft Digital Com. We’ll keep you posted when we complete all content migration.
It is not easy to find a name for a 3d & general computer graphics company. In my opinion, it should reflect creativity, originality, confidence, but also non-conformism. One of the best company name I […]
I have chosen the Indigamer theme for my site. The team behind it is a company called CssIngniter, they have lots of good looking theme and they’re Greek! I am now setting up this theme…
Hello, I’m starting to build version 8 of my website on WordPress. It’s progressing slowly as I have many other projects currently running. Once it will be ready, it will replace version 7. Cheers, David