Production notes:

The Quadpod, Hydrowave and Neo2 are transforming warrior robots. These 3 robots belong to the Neoshifters family, a collection of toys created by the company Mega Brand (formerly Mega Bloks), a subsidiary of Mattel.

The Skuad studio in Montreal asked me to create the rigs for these transformer robots. It was to be used in the making of a TV commercial. Skuad had sent me 3D modeled objects, which were reproductions of these toys. I then created the rigs for the animators. Exciting work!

Do your kind even know what love is? Can you feel anything at all, or is it just… programmed?

Marissa Meyer

Here is the TV ad that resulted from this work. Unfortunately, the quality is not the best.

Youtube links : NEO Shifters Cinematic Trailer ( , NEO Shifters Intercepted Transmission by MEGA Brands™ INC ( , NEOShifters by MEGA Brands™ INC (, Neo Shifters all Commercials.

Neoshifters Rigs

Neoshifters, TV commercial. My tasks: rigged complex 3d transformer robots that are toys in real life.


Mega Blocks , commercial broadcast in America

Work place: teleworking from home, for Skuad Studios (, Canada.

Apps used :
XSI 6.5

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