Production notes:
This is part of a broader project a client asked for. After my task was complete, I kept animating one of the scenes and got this result.
This rigged girl was purchased by my client and I did not alter her in any way.
In the final client-side rendering, there was no colors except for the girl. Everything was simplified with whitish colors. So I reworked the scene to make it more colorful and to get a different feel.
I did the lighting for the scene. I re-did the materials and textures for the props and environment (but not for the girl). The materials and render are done with Arnold.
I also did the girl’s animation and render this sequence.

Crédits :
3D character «Martin girl» :
Modeling, surfacing, rig : CartoonFactory
Animation : David Saber
Scenery, props:
Modeling: Okenite
Surfacing, lighting, rendering, animation: David Saber
When you tear out a man’s tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you’re only telling the world that you fear what he might say.
George R.R. Martin
The loss of the sausage at the canteen when you’re sick
My tasks : 3D character animation, materials, render, video editing.

Personal project
Work place:
Apps used:
Maya 2020, Arnold, Premiere Pro 14